Is prostitution legal in Nevada?
Nevada is the only US state where prostitution is legal under specific circumstances. As of September 2023, there are 19 brothels legally operating in Nevada. While legal prostitution is permitted in 10 of the 17 Nevada counties, only 6 counties currently have at least one legal brothel in operation.
Where is prostitution legal in Nevada?
Prostitution is legal in Nevada in regulated brothels in these 10 counties:
1. Churchill County
2. Elko County
3. Esmeralda County
4. Humboldt County
5. Lander County
6. Lyon County
7. Mineral County
8. Nye County
9. Storey County
10. White Pine County
Prostitution is illegal everywhere else in Nevada including Las Vegas, Reno, and these 7 counties: Clark, Washoe, Carson City, Douglas, Eureka, Lincoln, Pershing

How many legal brothels in Nevada?
There are currently 19 legal brothels in Nevada operating in these 6 counties:
• 7 in Elko County
• 4 in Lyon County
• 4 in Nye County
• 2 in White Pine County
• 1 in Lander County
• 1 in Storey County
There are currently 4 Nevada counties where prostitution is legally permitted but there are no brothels in operation at this time: Churchill County, Esmeralda County, Humboldt County, and Mineral County

Prostitution Laws of Nevada
Jump to the bottom of this list to view a downloadable PDF of these Nevada State Prostitution Laws.
- NRS 41.1397: Liability of owner or operator of house of prostitution for employment of prostitute tested positive for exposure to human immunodeficiency virus
- NRS 201.295: Definitions
- NRS 201.300: Pandering: Definition; penalties; exception
- NRS 201.310: Pandering: Placing spouse in brothel; penalties
- NRS 201.320: Living from earnings of prostitute; penalty
- NRS 201.330: Pandering: Detaining person in brothel because of debt; penalties
- NRS 201.340: Pandering: Furnishing transportation; penalties
- NRS 201.350: Venue for trial of offenses constituting pandering
- NRS 201.354: Engaging in prostitution or solicitation for prostitution: Penalty; exception
- NRS 201.356: Test for exposure to human immunodeficiency virus required; payment of costs; notification of results of test
- NRS 201.358: Engaging in prostitution or solicitation for prostitution after testing positive for exposure to human immunodeficiency virus: Penalty; definition
- NRS 201.360: Placing person in house of prostitution; penalties
- NRS 201.380: Restriction on location of houses of ill fame; penalty
- NRS 201.390: Property on principal business streets not to be rented for purposes of prostitution; penalty
- NRS 201.400: General reputation competent evidence
- NRS 201.410: Duties of sheriff and district attorney; failure to act; penalty
- NRS 201.420: Keeping disorderly house; penalty
- NRS 201.430: Unlawful advertising of prostitution; penalties
- NRS 201.440: Unlawful to permit illegal advertising of houses of prostitution; penalties
- NRS 244.345: Dancing halls, escort services, entertainment by referral services and gambling games or devices; limitation on licensing of houses of prostitution
- NAC 441A.800: Testing of prostitutes; prohibition of certain persons from employment as prostitute
- NAC 441A.802: Screening and confirmatory test for human immunodeficiency virus by a medical laboratory: Requirements
- NAC 441A.805: Use of latex prophylactic required
- NAC 441A.810: House of prostitution required to post health notice
- NAC 441A.815: Person in charge of house of prostitution: Report of presence of communicable disease required; cooperation with health authority required
Nevada State Prostitution Laws formatted as a printable PDF
NRS 41.1397: Liability of owner or operator of house of prostitution for employment of prostitute tested positive for exposure to human immunodeficiency virus
An owner of a house of prostitution, the person who operates the house or his agent who employs or continues to employ a prostitute after he knows or should know that the prostitute has tested positive in a test approved by regulation of the State Board of Health for exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus, is liable for any damages caused to a person exposed to the virus as a result of the employment.
NRS 201.295: Definitions
As used in NRS 201.295 to 201.440, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. "Adult" means a person 18 years of age or older.
2. "Child" means a person less than 18 years of age.
3. "Prostitute" means a male or female person who for a fee engages in sexual intercourse, oral-genital contact or any touching of the sexual organs or other intimate parts of a person for the purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of either person.
4. "Prostitution" means engaging in sexual conduct for a fee.
5. "Sexual conduct" means any of the acts enumerated in subsection 3.
NRS 201.300: Pandering: Definition; penalties; exception
1. A person who: (a) Induces, persuades, encourages, inveigles, entices or compels a person to become a prostitute or to continue to engage in prostitution; (b) By threats, violence or by any device or scheme, causes, induces, persuades, encourages, takes, places, harbors, inveigles or entices a person to become an inmate of a house of prostitution or assignation place, or any place where prostitution is practiced, encouraged or allowed; (c) By threats, violence, or by any device or scheme, by fraud or artifice, or by duress of person or goods, or by abuse of any position of confidence or authority, or having legal charge, takes, places, harbors, inveigles, entices, persuades, encourages or procures a person to enter any place within this state in which prostitution is practiced, encouraged or allowed, for the purpose of prostitution; (d) By promises, threats, violence, or by any device or scheme, by fraud or artifice, by duress of person or goods, or abuse of any position of confidence or authority or having legal charge, takes, places, harbors, inveigles, entices, persuades, encourages or procures a person of previous chaste character to enter any place within this state in which prostitution is practiced, encouraged or allowed, for the purpose of sexual intercourse; (e) Takes or detains a person with the intent to compel the person by force, threats, menace or duress to marry him or any other person; or (f) Receives, gives or agrees to receive or give any money or thing of value for procuring or attempting to procure a person to become a prostitute or to come into this state or leave this state for the purpose of prostitution, is guilty of pandering.
2. A person who is found guilty of pandering: (a) An adult: (1) If physical force or the immediate threat of physical force is used upon the adult, is guilty of a category C felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130. (2) If no physical force or immediate threat of physical force is used upon the adult, is guilty of a category D felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130. (b) A child: (1) If physical force or the immediate threat of physical force is used upon the child, is guilty of a category B felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 2 years and a maximum term of not more than 20 years and may be further punished by a fine of not more than $20,000. (2) If no physical force or immediate threat of physical force is used upon the child, is guilty of a categoryB felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 1 year and a maximum term of not more than 10 years and may be further punished by a fine of not more than $10,000.
3. This section does not apply to the customer of a prostitute.
NRS 201.310: Pandering: Placing spouse in brothel; penalties
1. A person who by force, fraud, intimidation or threats, places, or procures any other person to place, his spouse in a house of prostitution or compels his spouse to lead a life of prostitution is guilty of pandering and shall be punished: (a) Where physical force or the immediate threat of physical force is used upon the spouse, for a category C felony as provided in NRS 193.130. (b) Where no physical force or immediate threat of physical force is used, for a category D felony as provided in NRS 193.130.
2. Upon the trial of any offense mentioned in this section, either spouse is a competent witness for or against the other spouse, with or without the other's consent, and may be compelled to testify.
NRS 201.320: Living from earnings of prostitute; penalty
1. A person who knowingly accepts, receives, levies or appropriates any money or other valuable thing, without consideration, from the proceeds of any prostitute, is guilty of a categoryD felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130.
2. Any such acceptance, receipt, levy or appropriation of money or valuable thing upon any proceedings or trial for violation of this section, is presumptive evidence of lack of consideration.
NRS 201.330: Pandering: Detaining person in brothel because of debt; penalties
1. A person who attempts to detain another person in a disorderly house or house of prostitution because of any debt or debts the other person has contracted or is said to have contracted while living in the house is guilty of pandering.
2. A person who is found guilty of pandering: (a) An adult: (1) If physical force or the immediate threat of physical force is used upon the adult, is guilty of a category C felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130. (2) If no physical force or immediate threat of physical force is used upon the adult, is guilty of a category D felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130. (b) A child: (1) If physical force or the immediate threat of physical force is used upon the child, is guilty of a category B felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 2 years and a maximum term of not more than 20 years and may be further punished by a fine of not more than $20,000. (2) If no physical force or immediate threat of physical force is used upon the child, is guilty of a category B felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 1 year and a maximum term of not more than 10 years and may be further punished by a fine of not more than $10,000.
NRS 201.340: Pandering: Furnishing transportation; penalties
1. A person who knowingly transports or causes to be transported, by any means of conveyance, into, through or across this state, or who aids or assists in obtaining such transportation for a person with the intent to induce, persuade, encourage, inveigle, entice or compel that person to become a prostitute or to continue to engage in prostitution is guilty of pandering.
2. A person who is found guilty of pandering: (a) An adult: (1) If physical force or the immediate threat of physical force is used upon the adult, is guilty of a category C felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130. (2) If no physical force or immediate threat of physical force is used upon the adult, is guilty of a category D felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130. (b) A child: (1) If physical force or the immediate threat of physical force is used upon the child, is guilty of a category B felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 2 years and a maximum term of not more than 20 years and may be further punished by a fine of not more than $20,000. (2) If no physical force or immediate threat of physical force is used upon the child, is guilty of a categoryB felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 1 year and a maximum term of not more than 10 years and may be further punished by a fine of not more than $10,000.
3. A person who violates subsection 1 may be prosecuted, indicted, tried and convicted in any county or city in or through which he transports or attempts to transport the person.
NRS 201.350: Venue for trial of offenses constituting pandering
It shall not be a defense to a prosecution for any of the acts prohibited in NRS 201.300 to 201.340, inclusive, that any part of such act or acts shall have been committed outside this state, and the offense shall in such case be deemed and alleged to have been committed, and the offender tried and punished, in any county in which the prostitution was consummated, or any overt act in furtherance of the offense shall have been committed.
NRS 201.354: Engaging in prostitution or solicitation for prostitution: Penalty; exception
1. It is unlawful for any person to engage in prostitution or solicitation therefor, except in a licensed house of prostitution.
2. Any person who violates subsection 1 is guilty of a misdemeanor.
NRS 201.356: Test for exposure to human immunodeficiency virus required; payment of costs; notification of results of test
1. Any person who is arrested for a violation of NRS 201.354 must submit to a test, approved by regulation of the State Board of Health, to detect exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus. The State Board of Health shall not approve a test for use that does not provide the arresting law enforcement agency with the results of the test within 30 days after a person submits to the test. If the person is convicted of a violation of NRS 201.354, he shall pay the sum of $100 for the cost of the test.
2. The person performing the test shall immediately transmit the results of the test to the arresting law enforcement agency. If the results of the test are negative, the agency shall inform the court of that fact. If the results of the test are positive, the agency shall upon receipt: (a) Mail the results by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the person arrested at his last known address and place the returned receipt in the agency's file; or (b) If the person arrested is in the custody of the agency, personally deliver the results to him and place an affidavit of service in the agency's file. If before receiving the results pursuant to this subsection, the person arrested requests the agency to inform him of the results and the agency has received those results, the agency shall deliver the results to him, whether positive or negative, and place an affidavit of service in the agency's file.
3. The court shall, when the person arrested is arraigned, order the person to reappear before the court 45 days after the arraignment to determine whether the person has received the results of the test. The court shall inform the person that his failure to appear at the appointed time will result in the issuance of a bench warrant, unless the order is rescinded pursuant to this subsection. If the court is informed by the agency that the results of the person's test were negative, the court clerk shall rescind the order for his reappearance and so notify the person. If, upon receiving notice from the agency that the results of the test were positive, the person notifies the court clerk in writing that he has received the results, the clerk shall inform the court and rescind the order for his reappearance for that determination.
4. The court shall, upon the person's reappearance ordered pursuant to subsection 3, ask him whether he has received the results of the test. If the person answers that he has received them, the court shall note his answer in the court records. If the person answers that he has not received them, the court shall have the results delivered to him and direct that an affidavit of service be placed in the agency's file.
5. If the person does not reappear as ordered and has not notified the court clerk of his receipt of the results of the test in the manner set forth in subsection 3, the court shall cause a bench warrant to be issued and that person arrested and brought before the court as upon contempt. The court shall also proceed in the manner set forth in subsection 4 to ensure that the person receives the results of the test.
NRS 201.358: Engaging in prostitution or solicitation for prostitution after testing positive for exposure to human immunodeficiency virus: Penalty;
definition 1. A person who: (a) Violates NRS 201.354; or (b) Works as a prostitute in a licensed house of prostitution, after testing positive in a test approved by the State Board of Health for exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus and receiving notice of that fact is guilty of a category B felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for a minimum term of not less than 2 years and a maximum term of not more than 10 years, or by a fine of not more than $10,000, or by both fine and imprisonment.
2. As used in this section, "notice" means: (a) Actual notice; or (b) Notice received pursuant to NRS 201.356.
NRS 201.360: Placing person in house of prostitution; penalties
1. A person who: (a) Places another in the charge or custody of a third person with the intent that the other person engage in prostitution or who compels the other person to reside with him or with any third person for purposes of prostitution, or who compels another person to reside in a house of prostitution; (b) Asks or receives any compensation, gratuity or reward, or promise thereof, for or on account of placing in a house of prostitution or elsewhere a person for the purpose of causing that person to cohabit with someone who is not the person's spouse; (c) Gives, offers or promises any compensation, gratuity or reward, to procure a person to engage in any act of prostitution in any house of prostitution, or elsewhere, against the person's will; (d) Is the spouse, parent, guardian or other legal custodian of a person under the age of 18 and permits, connives at or consents to the minor's being or remaining in any house of prostitution; (e) Lives with or accepts any earnings of a common prostitute, or entices or solicits a person to go to a house of prostitution to engage in sexual conduct with a common prostitute; (f) Decoys, entices, procures or in any manner induces a person to become a prostitute or to become an inmate of a house of prostitution, for purposes of prostitution, or for purposes of employment, or for any purpose whatever, when that person does not know that the house is one of prostitution; or (g) Decoys, entices, procures or in anymanner induces a person, under the age of 21 years, to go into or visit, upon any pretext or for any purpose whatever, any house of ill fame or prostitution, or any room or place inhabited or frequented by any prostitute, or used for purposes of prostitution, is guilty of a felony.
2. A person who violates the provisions of subsection 1 shall be punished: (a) Where physical force or the immediate threat of physical force is used upon the other person, for a category C felony as provided in NRS 193.130. (b) Where no physical force or immediate threat of physical force is used, for a category D felony as provided in NRS 193.130.
NRS 201.380: Restriction on location of houses of ill fame; penalty
1. It shall be unlawful for any owner, or agent of any owner, or any other person to keep any house of ill fame, or to let or rent to any person whatever, for any length of time whatever, to be kept or used as a house of ill fame, or resort for the purposes of prostitution, any house, room or structure situated within 400 yards of any schoolhouse or schoolroom used by any public or common school in the State of Nevada, or within 400 yards of any church, edifice, building or structure erected for and used for devotional services or religious worship in this state.
2. Any person violating the provisions of subsection 1 shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.
NRS 201.390: Property on principal business streets not to be rented for purposes of prostitution; penalty
1. It is unlawful for any owner or agent of any owner or any other person to keep, let or rent for any length of time, or at all, any house fronting on the principal business street or thoroughfare of any of the towns of this state, for the purpose of prostitution or to make or use any entrance or exit way to any house of prostitution from the principal business street or thoroughfare of any of the towns of this state.
2. Any person violating the provisions of subsection 1 shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.
NRS 201.400: General reputation competent evidence
In the trial of all cases arising under the provisions of NRS 201.380 and 201.390, evidence of general reputation is competent evidence as to the question of the ill fame of any house alleged to be so kept, and to the question of the ill fame of any person.
NRS 201.410: Duties of sheriff and district attorney; failure to act; penalty
The district attorney and sheriff of each county in this state shall see that the provisions of NRS 201.380 are strictly enforced and carried into effect, and upon neglect so to do, they, or either of them, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor in office and may be proceeded against by accusation as provided in chapter 283 of NRS.
NRS 201.420: Keeping disorderly house; penalty
Any person who shall keep any disorderly house, or any house of public resort, by which the peace, comfort or decency of the immediate neighborhood, or of any family thereof, is habitually disturbed, or who shall keep any inn in a disorderly manner, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
NRS 201.430: Unlawful advertising of prostitution; penalties
1. It is unlawful for any person engaged in conduct which is unlawful pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 207.030, or any owner, operator, agent or employee of a house of prostitution, or anyone acting on behalf of any such person, to advertise the unlawful conduct or any house of prostitution: (a) In any public theater, on the public streets of any city or town, or on any public highway; or (b) In any county, city or town where prostitution is prohibited by local ordinance or where the licensing of a house of prostitution is prohibited by state statute.
2. It is unlawful for any person knowingly to prepare or print an advertisement concerning a house of prostitution not licensed for that purpose pursuant to NRS 244.345, or conduct which is unlawful pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 207.030, in any county, city or town where prostitution is prohibited by local ordinance or where the licensing of a house of prostitution is prohibited by state statute.
3. Inclusion in any display, handbill or publication of the address, location or telephone number of a house of prostitution or of identification of a means of transportation to such a house, or of directions telling how to obtain anysuch information, constitutes prima facie evidence of advertising for the purposes of this section.
4. Any person, company, association or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be punished: (a) Forthe first violation within a 3-year period, by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 6 months, or by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by both fine and imprisonment. (b) For a second violation within a 3-year period, by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 30 days nor more than 6 months, and by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000. (c) For a third or subsequent violation within a 3-year period, by imprisonment in the county jail for 6 months and by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000.
NRS 201.440: Unlawful to permit illegal advertising of houses of prostitution; penalties
1. In any county, city or town where prostitution is prohibited by local ordinance or where the licensing of a house of prostitution is prohibited by state statute, it is unlawful for any person, company, association or corporation knowingly to allow any person engaged in conduct which is unlawful pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 207.030, or any owner, operator, agent or employee of a house of prostitution, or anyone acting on behalf of any such person, to advertise a house of prostitution in his place of business.
2. Any person, company, association or corporation that violates the provisions of this section shall be punished: (a) Forthe first violation within a 3-year period, by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than 6 months, or by a fine of not more than $1,000, or by both fine and imprisonment. (b) For a second violation within a 3-year period, by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 30 days nor more than 6 months, and by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000. (c) For a third or subsequent violation within a 3-year period, by imprisonment in the county jail for 6 months and by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000.
NRS 244.345: Dancing halls, escort services, entertainment byreferral services and gambling games or devices; limitation on licensing of houses of prostitution
1. Every natural person wishing to be employed as an entertainer for an entertainment by referral service and every natural person, firm, association of persons or corporation wishing to engage in the business of conducting a dancing hall, escort service, entertainment by referral service or gambling game or device permitted by law, outside of an incorporated city, must: (a) Make application to the license board of the county in which the employment or business is to be engaged in, for a county license of the kind desired. The application must be in a form prescribed by the regulations of the license board. (b) File the application with the required license fee with the county license collector, as provided in chapter 364 of NRS, who shall present the application to the license board at its next regular meeting. The board, in counties whose population is less than 400,000, may refer the petition to the sheriff, who shall report upon it at the following regular meeting of the board. In counties whose population is 400,000 or more, the board shall refer the petition to the metropolitan police department. The department shall conduct an investigation relating to the petition and report its findings to the board at the next regular meeting of the board. The board shall at that meeting grant or refuse the license prayed for or enter any other order consistent with its regulations. Except in the case of an application for a license to conduct a gambling game or device, the county license collector may grant a temporary permit to an applicant, valid only until the next regular meeting of the board. In unincorporated towns and cities governed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 269 of NRS, the license board has the exclusive power to license and regulate the employment and businesses mentioned in this subsection.
2. The board of county commissioners, and in a county whose population is less than 400,000, the sheriff of that county constitute the license board, and the county clerk or other person designated by the license board is the clerk thereof, in the respective counties of this state.
3. The license board may, without further compensation to the board or its clerk: (a) Fix, impose and collect license fees upon the employment and businesses mentioned in this section. (b) Grant or deny applications for licenses and impose conditions, limitations and restrictions upon the licensee. (c) Adopt, amend and repeal regulations relating to licenses and licensees. (d) Restrict, revoke or suspend licenses for cause after hearing. In an emergency the board may issue an order for immediate suspension or limitation of a license, but the order must state the reason for suspension or limitation and afford the licensee a hearing.
4. The license board shall hold a hearing before adopting proposed regulations, before adopting amendments to regulations, and before repealing regulations relating to the control or the licensing of the employment or businesses mentioned in this section. Notice of the hearing must be published in a newspaper published and having general circulation in the county at least once a week for 2 weeks before the hearing.
5. Upon adoption of new regulations the board shall designate their effective date, which may not be earlier than 15 days after their adoption. Immediately after adoption a copy of any new regulations must be available for public inspection during regular business hours at the office of the county clerk.
6. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 241.0355, a majority of the members constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.
7. Any natural person, firm, association of persons or corporation who engages in the employment of any of the businesses mentioned in this section without first having obtained the license and paid the license fee as provided in this section is guilty of a misdemeanor.
8. In a county whose population is 400,000 or more, the license board shall not grant any license to a petitioner for the purpose of operating a house of ill fame or repute or any other business employing any person for the purpose of prostitution.
9. As used in this section: (a) "Entertainer for an entertainment by referral service” means a natural person who is sent or referred for a fee to a hotel or motel room, home or other accommodation by an entertainment by referral service for the purpose of entertaining the person located in the hotel or motel room, home or other accommodation. (b) "Entertainment by referral service” means a person or group of persons who send or refer another person to a hotel or motel room, home or other accommodation for a fee in response to a telephone or other request for the purpose of entertaining the person located in the hotel or motel room, home or other accommodation.
NAC 441A.800 Testing of prostitutes; prohibition of certain persons from employment as prostitute.
1. A person seeking employment as a prostitute in a licensed house of prostitution shall submit to the State Hygienic Laboratory in the Division or a medical laboratory licensed pursuant to chapter 652 of NRS and certified by the Health Care Financing Administration of the United States Department of Health and Human Services: (a) A sample of blood for a test to confirm the presence or absence of human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV) and syphilis; and (b) A cervical specimen for a test to confirm the presence or absence of gonorrhea and Chlamydia trachomatis by culture or antigen detection or DNA probe.
2. A person must not be employed as a prostitute in a licensed house of prostitution until the State Hygienic Laboratory in the Division or a medical laboratory licensed pursuant to chapter 652 of NRS and certified by the Health Care Financing Administration of the United States Department of Health and Human Services has reported that the tests required pursuant to subsection 1 do not show the presence of infectious syphilis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia trachomatis or infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
3. A person employed as a prostitute in a licensed house of prostitution shall submit to the State Hygienic Laboratory in the Division or a medical laboratory licensed pursuant to chapter 652 of NRS and certified by the Health Care Financing Administration of the United States Department of Health and Human Services: (a) Once each month, a sample of blood, identified by the name of the prostitute as it appears on her local work permit card, for a test to confirm the presence or absence of: (1) Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); and (2) Syphilis. (b) Once each week, a cervical specimen, identified by the name of the prostitute as it appears on her local work permit card, for a test to confirm the presence or absence of gonorrhea and Chlamydia trachomatis by culture or antigen detection or DNA probe.
4. If a test required pursuant to this section shows the presence of infectious syphilis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia trachomatis or infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the person shall immediately cease and desist from employment as a prostitute in a licensed house of prostitution.
NAC 441A.802 Screening and confirmatory test for human immunodeficiency virus by a medical laboratory: Requirements.
Upon receiving a sample of blood pursuant to NRS 201.356, a medical laboratory licensed pursuant to chapter 652 of NRS shall perform a screening and confirmatory test for exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus. The screening and confirmatory tests used by the medical laboratory must be approved by the Food and Drug Administration or the State Board of Health.
NAC 441A.805 Use of latex prophylactic required.
A person employed as a prostitute in a licensed house of prostitution shall require each patron to wear and use a latex prophylactic while engaging in sexual intercourse, oral-genital contact or any touching of the sexual organs or other intimate parts of a person.
NAC 441A.810 House of prostitution required to post health notice.
The person in charge of a licensed house of prostitution shall post a health notice provided by the Division. The cost and mounting of the notice is the responsibility of the house of prostitution. The notice must be posted in a prominent location which is readily noticeable by patrons of the establishment and is approved by the Division.
NAC 441A.815 Person in charge of house of prostitution: Report of presence of communicable disease required; cooperation with health authority required.
1. The person in charge of a licensed house of prostitution who knows of or suspects the presence of a communicable disease within the house of prostitution shall report the disease to the health authority having jurisdiction where the house of prostitution is located.
2. A report of a communicable disease must be made to the health authority in accordance with the provisions set forth in NAC 441A.225.
3. A report must include: (a) The communicable disease or suspected communicable disease; (b) The name and the address or telephone number of the case or suspected case; (c) The name, address and telephone number of the person making the report; (d) The age, sex, race, date of birth, occupation and employer of the case or suspected case, if available; (e) The date of onset and the date of diagnosis of the disease; and (f) Any other information requested by the health authority, if available.
4. The person in charge of a licensed house of prostitution shall promptly cooperate with the health authority during: (a) The investigation of the circumstances or cause of a case or suspected case, or of an outbreak or suspected outbreak; and (b) The carrying out of measures for the prevention, suppression or control of a communicable disease, including procedures of exclusion, isolation and quarantine.
Additional State Guides: U.S. prostitution laws for all 50 states