Is prostitution legal in Iowa?
Iowa prostitution laws make it a misdemeanor to sell or offer for sale sex acts. It is also a crime to purchase or offer to purchase those sexual services anywhere in the state.
Prostitution Laws of Iowa
- 725.1: Prostitution
- 725.2: Pimping
- 725.3: Pandering
- 725.4: Leasing premises for prostitution
725.1: Prostitution
A person who sells or offers for sale the person's services as a partner in a sex act, or who purchases or offers to purchase such services, commits an aggravated misdemeanor.
725.2: Pimping
A person who solicits a patron for a prostitute, or who knowingly takes or shares in the earnings of a prostitute, or who knowingly furnishes a room or other place to be used for the purpose of prostitution , whether for compensation or not, commits a class "D" felony.
725.3: Pandering
1. A person who persuades, arranges, coerces, or otherwise causes another, not a minor, to become a prostitute or to return to the practice of prostitution after having abandoned it, or keeps or maintains any premises for the purposes of prostitution or takes a share in the income from such premises knowing the character and content of such income, commits a class "D" felony.
2. A person who persuades, arranges, coerces, or otherwise causes a minor to become a prostitute or to return to the practice of prostitution after having abandoned it, or keeps or maintains any premises for the purpose of prostitution involving minors or knowingly shares in the income from such premises knowing the character and content of such income, commits a class "C" felony.
725.4: Leasing premises for prostitution
A person who has rented or let any building, structure or part thereof, boat, trailer or other place offering shelter or seclusion, and who knows, or has reason to know, that the lessee or tenant is using such for the purposes of prostitution , and who does not, immediately upon acquiring such knowledge, terminate the tenancy or effectively put an end to such practice of prostitution in such place, commits a serious misdemeanor.